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All this caused me to neglect

"It would be a bad year,'' she admits. "Things were not going right at work. A few of the projects I was Zi Xiu Tang Bee Pollen working on got delayed because of various reasons. I was also having some family problems back in India. All this caused me to neglect eating healthily and I gained a lot weight. A physician I consulted suggested that apart from maintaining a healthy diet I also needed to destress basically needed to slim down.''
Stress isn't good to improve your health and so is obesity. Approximately 20 percent of people here have diabetes (compared to the world average of six percent). Also, her second-fastest growing incidence of heart diseases - both biggest by-products of stress.
Indian women really are a stressed lot - global research firm Nielsen conducted research last year that found Indian women are the most stressed on the planet. Which may be due towards the stress of being an expatriate.
Amazingly, 87 per cent of Indian women admitted feeling stressed more often than not, with 82 per cent also saying they'd insufficient time for you to relax.
The high levels of stress of women is reflected within the obesity levels too. An Indian National Family Health Survey conducted in 1988-89 (the newest available official figures) discovered that 18 per cent of women aged 15-49 in urban India were overweight - that's almost 1 in 5.
It isn't unusual for expatriates to turn to food to deal with stress. Relocating to a brand new country, meeting new people, new social dynamics and a new job can be major stressors.
According to Carole, there are a few peculiar factors responsible for women under stress in the UAE. "Some women might not have been raised to visit out to work let alone hold a managerial post. There might have been an expectation of these likely to school, college, getting married and achieving children however a full-time career is really a relatively new concept for many women in the UAE. However, many of them want to take their role alongside their male counterparts at work.
"These women might want to excel, look great, be professional, 't be too strident within their behaviour and achieve the best balance, Most women aspiring to senior management positions believe the glass ceiling to career progression remains."
Stress in the home, too
But it's not just career ladies who might be at risk of stress-related health problems. Stay-at-home expatriate mothers might be putting on greater than the 'Dubai kilos'.
"Women are often proficient at multitasking and it does not necessarily increase levels of stress,'' says Carole. "But they'll experience stress if they are not in charge of their lives. While everything is running smoothly, then levels of stress will be low but as soon as something goes completely wrong, say for example a child falls sick, the routine will be broken and it is easy to experience stress at this time.''
Also, leading an expat life is difficult: "People require a structure and peer group support in which to work and they need a framework of individuals around these to provide this,'' says Carole. "Expatriates don't necessarily need an increased support system but... a good deal of their support is at home in another country and hence they'll be experiencing a gap within their lives.'' This might contribute to stress.
Carole suggests putting 'me time' into your diary every single day; eating regularly and looking after a healthy diet plan; learning to say 'no' to excessive demands at the office and also at home, and taking a minimum of Twenty minutes of exercise per day.
It may seem just like Zi Xiu Tang Beauty Face Figure a lot but take these pointers aboard and you will find that you are much more in charge of your life - as well as your dress size.

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