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Calorie-tracking apps 'not for everybo

Though fitness apps are soaring in popularity and often earn positive online reviews, recommending a calorie-counting app to overweight people and Cho Yung Tea giving them access to it on their own phones is no guarantee of weight-loss success, based on new research.

"Apps like this could be a powerful tool for those who are ready to track calories, but it is not for everybody to shed weight," said the study's lead author, Dr. B. Yoshi Laing, a primary-care physician and director of the improvement program at the Martin Luther King Jr. Outpatient Center in La.


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He and his colleagues wished to know whether introducing the popular MyFitnessPal app to overweight adults at two primary-care centres in La would result in weight loss over six months. The participants all said these were interested in losing weight.

MyFitnessPal is one of the most positively reviewed apps in the Apple and Android app stores, they write in the Annals of Internal Medicine. The free app has more than 50 million users. In addition to allowing users to track calories and workout, the app permits people to set goals, integrate data from other devices and receive feedback from a social network.

From the 212 individuals the study, half were advised about the app; research assistants helped download the application on their own smartphones and checked per week later to assist with technical problems. Another half were told about the study, but they weren't told the name of the app. Instead, they were told to choose their very own activities to shed weight.

Over all, people who used the app were happy with it, but use dropped sharply following the first month, the researchers found.

Additionally, there was no significant difference in weight or blood pressure level between the two groups after six months. More and more people in the app group reported increased utilization of a regular calorie goal, however.

While just introducing the app to people generally did not result in overall weight loss within the group, Laing said there is a subgroup of people who appeared to use it successfully.

In fact, the one who used the app most also lost probably the most weight - about 30 pounds. Ironically, that person was at the comparison group, which wasn't told concerning the app.

"There will be a subset of people that use it and lose more weight," Laing said, adding that he recommends MyFitnessPal to patients who want to slim down and who enjoy smartphone apps.

The suggestion that app use correlates with results is echoed in the company's own data, said Rebecca Silliman, a spokesperson for MyFitnessPal, Inc.

"Eighty-eight percent of people that sign in for 7 days will forfeit weight," she said. "The more you use it, the greater weight you lose."

Merely recommending 2 Day Diet the app may not lead to weight reduction if people are not motivated to trace calories, "because tracking calories is a lot of labor," Laing said.

11月20日(木)18:04 | トラックバック(0) | コメント(0) | Cooking | 管理

All this caused me to neglect

"It would be a bad year,'' she admits. "Things were not going right at work. A few of the projects I was Zi Xiu Tang Bee Pollen working on got delayed because of various reasons. I was also having some family problems back in India. All this caused me to neglect eating healthily and I gained a lot weight. A physician I consulted suggested that apart from maintaining a healthy diet I also needed to destress basically needed to slim down.''
Stress isn't good to improve your health and so is obesity. Approximately 20 percent of people here have diabetes (compared to the world average of six percent). Also, her second-fastest growing incidence of heart diseases - both biggest by-products of stress.
Indian women really are a stressed lot - global research firm Nielsen conducted research last year that found Indian women are the most stressed on the planet. Which may be due towards the stress of being an expatriate.
Amazingly, 87 per cent of Indian women admitted feeling stressed more often than not, with 82 per cent also saying they'd insufficient time for you to relax.
The high levels of stress of women is reflected within the obesity levels too. An Indian National Family Health Survey conducted in 1988-89 (the newest available official figures) discovered that 18 per cent of women aged 15-49 in urban India were overweight - that's almost 1 in 5.
It isn't unusual for expatriates to turn to food to deal with stress. Relocating to a brand new country, meeting new people, new social dynamics and a new job can be major stressors.
According to Carole, there are a few peculiar factors responsible for women under stress in the UAE. "Some women might not have been raised to visit out to work let alone hold a managerial post. There might have been an expectation of these likely to school, college, getting married and achieving children however a full-time career is really a relatively new concept for many women in the UAE. However, many of them want to take their role alongside their male counterparts at work.
"These women might want to excel, look great, be professional, 't be too strident within their behaviour and achieve the best balance, Most women aspiring to senior management positions believe the glass ceiling to career progression remains."
Stress in the home, too
But it's not just career ladies who might be at risk of stress-related health problems. Stay-at-home expatriate mothers might be putting on greater than the 'Dubai kilos'.
"Women are often proficient at multitasking and it does not necessarily increase levels of stress,'' says Carole. "But they'll experience stress if they are not in charge of their lives. While everything is running smoothly, then levels of stress will be low but as soon as something goes completely wrong, say for example a child falls sick, the routine will be broken and it is easy to experience stress at this time.''
Also, leading an expat life is difficult: "People require a structure and peer group support in which to work and they need a framework of individuals around these to provide this,'' says Carole. "Expatriates don't necessarily need an increased support system but... a good deal of their support is at home in another country and hence they'll be experiencing a gap within their lives.'' This might contribute to stress.
Carole suggests putting 'me time' into your diary every single day; eating regularly and looking after a healthy diet plan; learning to say 'no' to excessive demands at the office and also at home, and taking a minimum of Twenty minutes of exercise per day.
It may seem just like Zi Xiu Tang Beauty Face Figure a lot but take these pointers aboard and you will find that you are much more in charge of your life - as well as your dress size.

11月17日(月)18:50 | トラックバック(0) | コメント(0) | Cooking | 管理

Can you eat insects to shed weight? T

The bowl was set on the table before me near the bottle of beer having a metallic clink.
My mind did not even bother to process what it really was that had Jimpness Beauty Fat Loss Capsule been presented to you me; I was searching over the Gulf of Thailand, talking, drinking and having fun.
Besides, who'd set anything other than peanuts in front of someone at a bar?
My hand adopts the bowl to get one small resist send it hurtling into my mouth with the unerring aim of a man who has spent much of his life throwing food down his gullet.
Because it hits my tongue, something seems off.
The peanut seems too soft somehow, and has a strange metallic flavour into it. I wash it down having a swig of beer and pick up the bowl. Crickets--
It was my introduction to the skill of eating insects, or entomophagy.
In some regions of Thailand, insects are an extremely popular snack, and are sold from street carts and in restaurants.
To become honest, there are few snacks you can eat in a bar that are better tasting and more healthy than crispy crickets dusted with salt and chilli pepper or giant locusts; you just need to remember to take away the legs and head.

Since that first introduction, I have continued to consume insects at least occasionally, and found that they're a proper, tasty, and high-protein addition to my diet.
With only 121 calories per 100 grams of crickets (vs 567 calories for any comparable treats, peanuts), it's obvious to see the way they make the perfect accessory for the diet for men waging a personal war against fat.
Also, unlike peanuts or crisps (for all my British MAN v FAT friends), it's nearly impossible to eat crickets non-stop.

Recently, I had been introduced to an excellent Thai delicacy from Northern Thailand that is essentially young wasps and termites with a few giant ants, cooked with lemongrass and chilli peppers and served over rice, you can see that particular dish below.
And also being delicious, it had been far and away healthier compared to alternative stir-fried chicken or beef.
Available seasonally, this delicacy is something I'd happily eat every day of the year.
Many of us originating from Western cultures happen to be raised on steady diets of 'meat and potatoes', and also have learned that they are healthy, balanced diets.
While there is nothing intrinsically wrong using these things, other cultures all over the world live with radically different diets and lifestyles that people can learn from.
While eating insects is viewed by us as a strange move to make, they are, gram for gram, the best protein available.

Companies for example Bitty Foodsin San Francisco happen to be pioneering a baked-goods industry by which cricket flour is substituted for grain flour, making cookies which are protein rich, sustainable, gluten-free and far better for you than their alternative.
In the last century, the meals choices obtainable in the Civilized world have exploded in a decidedly negative way.
We have the ability to transform our diets from the steady stream of junk food, to which so many are accustomed, for an entirely different and decidedly broader global culinary adventure.
It's up to us to create Super Slim Pomegranate decisions concerning the way forward for our waistlines and our planet, and also the best option might be a a bit more creepy-crawly than we initially suspected.

11月11日(火)19:00 | トラックバック(0) | コメント(0) | Cooking | 管理
